Using a voice broadcaster can help businesses stay in touch with their clients while boosting sales and potentially even leading to greater levels of engagement. Organizations that offer this service aren’t created equally, though, so business owners will want to take some time to ensure they’re working with the right one. Consider the following tips when picking out a voice broadcaster.
Finding the Features You Need
Inbound and outbound call detection is probably the most sought-after feature by those looking for a voice broadcaster. Customer service and marketing representatives want to be sure they have the ability to respond to calls at any time of the day. Automation technology is usually adopted for this reason in the first place, so people usually begin their search by seeking out a service that offers this kind of functionality.
Another option to watch is multichannel communication, which makes it possible to send out mass calls to every single customer on a contact list. Outbound conference application programming interface libraries ensure that a voice broadcast service can connect individual callers to a conference line and then proceed to communicate with multiple people simultaneously.
Since these features are provided by an outside organization, they shouldn’t be tied to any of the limitations you might expect from those offered by a telephone company’s central office. As soon as you have a feature set, you’ll be able to pick out cosmetic and mechanical choices that will help frame how your customers view the broadcaster you work with.
Deciding on the Right Voice
Chances are that your customers won’t want to listen to an extremely robotic-sounding voice. That’s why a high-quality text-to-speech API is so vital. Natural-sounding speech either comes from a human broadcast audio announcer who has recorded many individual messages for later use or, alternatively, a very good synthesizer.
Most phone companies use a series of standardized announcements that can be pieced together whenever necessary. By combining these announcements with a computer algorithm that can reassemble them in useful patterns, wireless carriers can normally offer an experience that sounds at least somewhat human. Conventional pay telephones have used this kind of announcing system for decades, illustrating just how robust it really is.
Longer messages should always be recorded as opposed to generated. Artificial intelligence-based voice synthesizers have improved, but text systems still struggle in a few key areas. Providers will likely offer a combination of both of these two systems in order to provide a sufficient level of service for every possible type of customer they’ll need to work with. A good rule of thumb is to check whether or not the provider you’re thinking of going with supports both kinds of voice provisioning. You’ll need to utilize each of them at one time or another, which means it’s helpful to have both options from the beginning.
Choosing Interface Element Options
When it comes to voice broadcasters, the actual dashboard user interface you’ll be working with probably doesn’t factor much into the equation. That’s especially true if you plan on primarily working through an API. Nevertheless, you’re going to be spending a ton of time working from inside of a web browser, so it makes sense to go with something that offers an at-a-glance view of all of the tools your chosen platform provides.
Depending on the specifics of the service you elect to work with, this could include a contact manager as well as a tool to place calls. Billing and related concerns will normally get addressed from the same screen, making it much easier to track expenses and other business-related considerations that normally become an issue as time goes on.
Perhaps the single most important thing to consider is whether or not you like the company you’ve decided to work with. Firms that offer a real contact line that gives their clients the freedom to express problems and get solutions are among those that will be the easiest to work with when it comes time to start broadcasting to the people on your list.